Reviews of Elmein Ltd - Hal Qormi

Here you will find reviews about Elmein Ltd. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
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Don't know how Elmein can rate itself as a company which provides a 24 hour service & indeed an emergency service. Firstl, I would like to mention inspite of having our lift serviced on a regular basis our lift keeps breaking down. To add insult to injury, it broke down last Friday only a couple of days after it had been serviced leaving an elderly couple trapped inside. They were on their way to the airport as they had a plane to catch. Elmein were called to provide an emergency service, one because the elderly couple were trapped & the emergency button to allow the lift the drop slowly did not work and two because they had a plane to catch within a couple of hours. We contacted the airline to explain the circumstances but they could not hold the flight so we called the fire brigade to assist as Elmein were taking their time and obviously did not comprehend how urgent it was. Elmein's engineer turned up some 1.5 hours later!!! Some emergency services you provide!!! The couple were rescued after 45 minutes. Had they been in the lift until your engineer turned up they may have ended up in hospital! How can you pride yourselves in such a terrible service which lacks so much care for your customers? Furthermore, our block administrator has been waiting for you to contact him since Tuesday as he was promised that the lift would be fixed then. He called you several times and I have done so as well - no answer from any of the telephone numbers or mobile number you advertise on your website. We have a lift which we can not use. What exactly are we paying you for? Absolutely and utterly disgraceful - your service is shoddy and you have nothing to be proud of! I would like an explanation to this please?