List of Companies in Dingli, Malta

Searching for businesses in Dingli? Explore a directory of 11 companies located in Dingli, Malta. Top companies in Malta, businesses near me.
We found 11 companies

Malta Segway Tours

Triq I- Apparell, Dingli, Dingli
If you're after a great time, a few laughs and a new experience, well you've come to the right place. Do something different! We offer Teambuilding and Fun Tours.
 Verified+10  Years with us

Dingli Property

31, Triq ix-Xefaq Dingli, Dingli
Dingli Property is selling brand new 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in Dingli in a new apartment block called Luna Apartments.

Jubilee Capital Funding

1029 Lyell Ave #504, Dingli
Have you been looking for financing options for your new home purchase, construction, real estate loan, refinance, debt consolidation, or personal or business purposes? Welcome to the future! Financing made it easy with us. Contact us as we offer our financial...

Desana Marble

Desana, Triq il-Buskett, DGL 2709, Dingli
Desana Marble Works is the leading Malta Marble and Granite Firm. We supply and install customised solutions for high-quality marble, granite, quartz and porfido applications.

Dingli Swallows F.C.

No 6, Suite A, Parish Street, Dingli
information on dingli swallows youth nursery

Dingli Local Council

Centru tal-Komunità, Dahla tas-Sienja, DGL1880, Dingli

Guzè Ebejer

118, Main Street, RBT 11, Dingli

Joseph Galea Floor Polisher

10, Triq IL-Gvernatur William Raid, DGL 1343, Dingli

Savio College

Triq il-Buskett, DGL 2702, Dingli

Charles Bonello Crane Hire

37 Harvest View, Triq Guze Ellul Mercer, DGL 1119, Dingli